Social Events

John 1:3

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard,
so that you also may have fellowship with us.
And our fellowship is with the Father and
with his Son, Jesus Christ.

St Mark's Walking Group

St Mark's Walking Group is for like-minded hikers who wish to explore the beautiful trails and landscapes around our local area.


Pensioners Luncheon Club

A friendly group of ladies & gentlemen who meet in the Parish hall on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays each month for a meal and friendship.


Art & Crafts Club

Get together and get crafting.
All sessions are Free.
Bring along your own materials.

Mem's Group

Men's Group

The Men’s Group meet up on
the last Wednesday of each month,
from 7pm at Master McGraths.


Chair Based Exercise

Whether you’re a beginner at exercise, recovering from an injury, or just looking for low-impact ways to keep healthy, chair exercises provide an easy way to stay active and look after your body

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Coffee Morning & Post Office

The Coffee Morning is currently postponed until further notice.
Meanwhile, the Post Office is still at Bescar Lane every Thursday at 10am.


Coffee Afternoon

St Marks Walking Group is for like-minded hikers who wish to explore the beautiful trails and landscapes around our local area.


Mary's Ministries

Ladies bring yourself and your friends along to Mary's Ministries Saturday Breakfast on the last Saturday of the month

For more information on any of our Fellowship groups, please click on the links or contact a member of our Social committee.

Do you have an idea for a fellowship group – We would love to hear about it

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